Saturday, December 7, 2013

Keep Calm and Ace Your Finals


I cannot believe that finals are already around the corner! It feels like it was only last week when we first walked into class and formed our circles with our desk and went around and introduced ourselves. As finals are right around the corner I find myself more stressed out than usual. Some ways I’m planning on getting ready for them is by setting a day for each subject to study for. For me, the most effiecent studying I get done is the day before my class. When I try to spread it out I forget the material more easily. Also I have a photographic memory so the information stays fresh in my head, which is very helpful in storing information. One studying method that helps me out the most is using flash cards. I plan on making flashing cards for my classes to help me study. For my statistic class we are allowed to have two pages of notes so I’m going to puts small notes about everything we covered along with an example of each problem. I will ensure success in finishing this semester by just focusing all my time on my studies and trying to stay as least stressed out as I can be. I think this is a crucial point in ending the semester in a positive way. There’s already so much going on and it’s easy to get yourself caught up and overwhelmed. Keeping a peaceful and stressful atmosphere makes the studying process much more enjoyable and lets you retain more information.

learn from others


For me, the best way to learn is from watching others. These past two weeks have been essential in helping me create my final video. During class, everyone had the opportunity to share their rough draft of the video. It was interesting to see all that different creativity that people applied to their videos. This part helped me tremendously because this is where I was struggling the most. My classmate’s creativity for their projects ranged from having skits, interviews, and using short cartoons to portray their problem and solution. Watching all the videos helped me brainstorm my own ideas on how I could make my own video more creative. Another crucial part of the video is having college level thinking. This is one part of the video that I think I’m strong in. I have done plenty of research on my topic and I have many articles that my other classmates are familiar with. Also, I have statistics and interviews of both people who struggle with time management and procrastination and those who don’t. Watching the video also helped with this because with each video we discussed how to add more college level thinking are saw videos that showed it applied. Lastly, another good thing about watching each other’s videos is it helped in designing my video. I learned to keep my slide shorts and not to over pack the slide with too much information by separating the main question with it answer.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

words of the week

10V) Creativity. It’s a simple word, yet there is so much to it. For me, creativity is a hard word to define because I think it has a different meaning for everybody. You could be creative in anything, whether it comes from music or art or in how you think. I believe that creativity is being able to express yourself in various forms and being able to expresses your emotions through that. By definition, creativity means, the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.

A new word that I came across in one of my classes this week is Confidence Interval. This appeared in my statistics class and by definition means a type of interval estimate of a population parameter and is used to indicate the reliability of an estimate. From class discussions, I can define it as an interval in which a statistical parameter is thought to lie.

Also in my statistic class, we talked about the word Confidence Level. By definition, it means a type of interval estimate of a population parameter and is used to indicate the reliability of an estimate. It is an observed interval (i.e. it is calculated from the observations), in principle different from sample to sample, that frequently includes the parameter of interest if the experiment is repeated. From class discussions, I learned that it mean the percent of confidence that the intervals contain the true statistical parameter.

movie time!


 I LOVE scary movies, even though I tend to hide behind my hands for most of it. There’s just something about being nervous and being scared that gets my adrenaline going. Recently, my friend brought it to my attention that in the student center here at Southern, they are showing the movie The Conjuring. I debated for a while if I wanted to go, but my friends suckered me in. I’m not going to lie, I was nervous. I know of the Warrens because they come to my school every year, and this movie is based off of one of their findings. Also, I had heard so many reviews from my friends that it was so scary and that it kept you hanging on the edge of your seat the whole time. When I arrived at the theater in the student center, I was welcomed with popcorn, candy, and juice boxes. At 8 o’clock the movie began and my heart immediately sunked into my chest. Was I ready for this? As the movie began I was immediately zoned out into it, anticipating what was going to have next. My friends, along with my fellow peers, were all in silence scared of what was going to happen and we screamed together as things popped out at us. I really enjoyed the movie and being able to spend it with my friends. I was glad that Southern offers us something like this and I will be definitely looking forward to the event occurring in the future.