Saturday, August 31, 2013

Questions & Answers with professor Richard Stirling!

I) Recently, I met with my English 110-09 professor after a class. My professor’s name is Richard Stirling, and he is also from my hometown. Mr. Stirling is extremely passionate about his job and cares about the well being of his students in and out of the classroom. You can contact him through his email at and has office hours on Wednesday from nine to ten o’clock in the morning.  My first question for him was what I can do to obtain the best grade possible in this class? He first responded to me saying I have to show him that I am trying my hardest and that I am willing to learn new things and to participate in class discussions. He also included that everything needed to be handed in on time and had to meet all his requirements. Lastly he reminded me that a lot of it comes from outside the classroom and what I do on my own, that will help reflect on me inside the classroom. My second question for Mr. Stirling was what are we going to learn during the duration of this semester? I could tell by his facial expressions he was excited to answer this question. He replied by saying we would learn how to read and analyze text using a multi-stage reading process. He proceeded to say we would learn how to create an argument and learn that it is a process of persuading and informing your audience. Lastly, Mr. Stirling explained that we would learn about fundamental elements, that when combined, will create an argument. The fundamental elements are rhetorical strategies, your thesis or claim, supporting evidence, and grammatical proficiency. He ended it by saying at the end of the semester I will be able to identify the fundamental elements of an argument confidently both inside and out of the classroom.

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