Saturday, November 2, 2013

words of the week

10V) Creativity. It’s a simple word, yet there is so much to it. For me, creativity is a hard word to define because I think it has a different meaning for everybody. You could be creative in anything, whether it comes from music or art or in how you think. I believe that creativity is being able to express yourself in various forms and being able to expresses your emotions through that. By definition, creativity means, the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.

A new word that I came across in one of my classes this week is Confidence Interval. This appeared in my statistics class and by definition means a type of interval estimate of a population parameter and is used to indicate the reliability of an estimate. From class discussions, I can define it as an interval in which a statistical parameter is thought to lie.

Also in my statistic class, we talked about the word Confidence Level. By definition, it means a type of interval estimate of a population parameter and is used to indicate the reliability of an estimate. It is an observed interval (i.e. it is calculated from the observations), in principle different from sample to sample, that frequently includes the parameter of interest if the experiment is repeated. From class discussions, I learned that it mean the percent of confidence that the intervals contain the true statistical parameter.

movie time!


 I LOVE scary movies, even though I tend to hide behind my hands for most of it. There’s just something about being nervous and being scared that gets my adrenaline going. Recently, my friend brought it to my attention that in the student center here at Southern, they are showing the movie The Conjuring. I debated for a while if I wanted to go, but my friends suckered me in. I’m not going to lie, I was nervous. I know of the Warrens because they come to my school every year, and this movie is based off of one of their findings. Also, I had heard so many reviews from my friends that it was so scary and that it kept you hanging on the edge of your seat the whole time. When I arrived at the theater in the student center, I was welcomed with popcorn, candy, and juice boxes. At 8 o’clock the movie began and my heart immediately sunked into my chest. Was I ready for this? As the movie began I was immediately zoned out into it, anticipating what was going to have next. My friends, along with my fellow peers, were all in silence scared of what was going to happen and we screamed together as things popped out at us. I really enjoyed the movie and being able to spend it with my friends. I was glad that Southern offers us something like this and I will be definitely looking forward to the event occurring in the future.

"Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected"

10B) A lot of people when they hear the word creative they immediately link it to music or art. For me, that’s not the case. I am creative in a different manner. I think I am creative in the way I think. Ever since I was younger, I always thought about things from all angles. I thought outside the box and explored all my options. Also, I was never biased. I was always capable of being able to see every side of a situation and I think that makes me creative because I was always open to anything.

 Another thing that makes me creative is the way I present myself. I have many piercings and a tattoo that’s full of meaning. I am creative in the way I show my emotion. I designed my tattoo and I got it for my mom. My mom passed away when I was only nine years old. My tattoo gives me a sense of completion and is a way I can show respect to my mom. It is creative because no one else has this tattoo and because there is also so much emotion built into it. My piercings also allow me to be creative because they make me unique. I love being different than others and not just blending in with the crowd. I love all my piercings despite the looks some people give me for having them. These things make me a creative person, and I would want to have it any other way.

"Mistakes are not a problem, not learning from them is"

10A) This blog was suppose to be dedicated to reflecting back onto my midterm video, but unfortunately I can’t write about so because I didn’t do my midterm. This is no one else’s fault but my own, and I know and understand that. I did it to myself and I completely psyched myself out of my capabilities. A lot of the things required for this midterm project put me outside my comfort zone and required me to do things I was unfamiliar with.  I was nervous about asking people for interviews and about being on the camera myself or just talking through out the video. Also, I don’t have any kind of video maker on my laptop and I felt weird to ask someone else. It was a stupid mistake for me not to do my midterm, but I take responsibility for my actions. I know from now on I really have no room to fail anything else because then I won’t be able to pass. This worries me because nothing scares me more than failure and I know I am better than this and that I am capable of so much more. My tragic flaw is that I always psych myself out of things. I did this to myself. I focused on what I couldn’t do and what could of gone wrong instead of being positive and doing the best that I can. For this semester, I really want to pull myself back together and step back up. This is not who I am and I know I have more to prove. I want to end the semester just how I started it; strong and confident.